SIOUX CITY, Iowa (Iowa Media Wire) — Members of the Sioux City City Council heard from Riverside neighborhood residents on Monday. Community members in the area took time to step away from flood cleanup to ask, “Where do we go from here?”
“I lost everything. I’m homeless. My son is asking for his house back. I can not explain to him that we lost everything. It doesn’t seem to be that this will be resolved right away. Please we need help,” said one resident.
“We lost everything. I almost lost my life. I was sleeping in the basement, and if it wasn’t for a phone call and a text, I wouldn’t be here today,” added another resident.
Mayor Pro Tem Dan Moore encouraged Riverside residents to come forward, as they did at the meeting on Monday, with all their concerns and questions. He added that progress can’t be made without an opening line of conversation from flood-ravaged residents.
Mayor Scott said mistakes were made in estimating how much water the Big Sioux would pour into the Riverside neighborhood.
“I think we way underestimated. I think it was a mistake. I made it clear to our staff, we should have been out there earlier. They bring some legitimate concerns, some concerns I already have about how we handled it,” Scott said.
Roll-off containers for trash collection remain available in Goldie Park and surrounding areas in Riverside