MILFORD, Iowa (Iowa Media Wire) — A grocery store in Milford, Iowa is helping out the Spencer community during the flooding.

A store manager with Sunshine Foods said one of his employees saw that people in Milford were organizing a food and supply drive that was taking place at the Okoboji Middle School.

“We thought, what can we do to help?” manager Travis Kennedy said. “We looked around the store and we had pallets of Powerade, granola bars, stuff they specifically asked for. So I thought, get the forklift, let’s put that Powerade in the van, go to the shelf and grab every granola bar we have and put it in the van, take it over. My staff loaded it into the bus, along with all the other people in Milford that were there volunteering and filling up the buses. I think they filled like six or seven buses of stuff people donated, it was awesome.”


Kennedy wanted to share a message: “One day at a time – we’ll get through this.”