STORM LAKE, Iowa (Iowa Media Wire) — The City of Storm Lake will be enacting its voluntary Water Conservation Plan.

The City announced Thursday that they are having to enact the plan due to increaed water usage.

“Over the past few weeks, the water treatment plant has been operating at near maximum capacity, which means that we need to request the cooperation of residents to voluntarily conserve water whenever possible,” City Manager Keri Navratil said.

The City said that currently, water usage is peaking at just above 5 million gallons of water used each day. This causes an issue as the water treatment plant’s production capacity caps at 5.3 million gallons per day.

The City said it’s important to watch water use in order to make sure everyone in the town has water to use.


Growth is being cited by the city as one of the reasons for the growing demand in water. To help meet the growing population, the City said a new well was installed this year and another well is planned for next year. They are also constructing a new water tower that is expected to come to be completed in 2025. Eventually, the City said they hope to build a larger treatment plant as well.

The current request for water conservation is voluntary and the City said it hopes that this will keep them from having to enforce mandatory measures.

The City provided some water conservation tips you can read below.

  • Lawn watering – 20-50% of water used in lawn and garden watering is wasted due to evaporation and runoff. Water only when necessary, and if you must water, do it in the cooler early morning or later evening hours to help ensure that water will not evaporate before getting to the roots. Slightly longer grass will hold water more efficiently, set mower height accordingly. Using mulch can help conserve water in gardens, planting beds and around young trees. Businesses can use timers on sprinkler systems and shut watering down during periods with more precipitation.
  • Backyard pools – Avoid overfilling which can cause water to be splashed out. Cover pools when not in use to avoid evaporation and keep water cleaner (requiring fewer refillings). If you have to refill, pool water can be reused for watering plants and lawns.
  • Washing vehicles – Keep to a minimum. When washing at home, use a hose with an automatic shut-off. Wash vehicles in a grassy area to avoid water wasted in runoff on driveways and sidewalks.
  • Faucets, pipes and toilets – Fix leaks. Even a mildly dripping faucet can waste gallons of water each day. Don’t let the faucet run when not in use – turning off water while brushing your teeth alone could save up to four gallons per minute. Little things add up – you can collect water from washing fruits and vegetables to water your houseplants. Check toilets for leaks – place a little food coloring in the tank, and if it seeps into the bowl, your toilet is wasting water and needs repair.
  • Power washing – Residential pressure washers use up to 2.5 gallons per minute, and commercial washers up to 10 gallons or more per minute. Keep washing of buildings, sidewalks and driveways to a minimum. Use a broom to clean concrete.
  • Appliances – Use washing machines and dishwashers only when you have a full load.
  • Showers – Reduce time spent in the shower, and you will also benefit on your water bill. Shortening a shower by just one to two minutes may save 150 gallons every month. Many showerheads run at a rate of a gallon in less than 20 seconds, so you may want to consider a limited-flow showerhead. Turn off the water when washing your hair and save up to 150 gallons per month.