The Mount Ayr board of education discussed numerous items at their regular meeting on Monday, June 10.

Principal Reports
Elementary principal Chris Elwood reported he hoped to hire two people, and combine the library position with the Junior Raider program director.
He recommended hiring Tara Wurster as the Junior Raider director, and librarian.
“Tara was formerly our Junior Raider coordinator and had a lot of success in that position,” said Elwood, “We’re looking at combining that and having her also do the library position for us as well.”
He explained they plan to partner with the public library as their consultant.
Additionally, a former elementary teacher who moved to the community about a year ago, was recommended for the half time Title 1 teacher opening.


Secondary principal Josh Vanderflught stated he plans to change graduation requirements to add community service hours.
Students would need to complete 50 hours of community service in their high school career. The HELP Pod day would count as 5 hours each year. Anyone completing 100 hours or more would qualify for an honor cord at graduation. It would be prorated as we implement it:
9th grade: 10 hours,
10th grade:10 hours,
11th grade: 15 hours,
12th grade: 15 hours.
Principal Vanderflught also reported that CTE teachers were awarded two RPP grants.
Morgan Quick, Gail Thatcher, Scott Giles and Dustin Larsen put in a grant for a laser engraver. They asked for $8,000 and were awarded $10,000.
Sara Dukes put in for a freeze drying machine and they have decided to award that amount plus the cost of a new commercial refrigerator. We don’t have a final total, but expect it will top $12,000.
He also noted changes will be coming for the Flexible Education Handbook. Updates will clean up attendance procedures/expectations, and an alternate graduation ceremony will be held for those entering the program in 2024 and beyond.
Teacher leadership positions have been developed for all teachers starting with the upcoming year. They were given job descriptions and allowed to apply for their top two options.
The final decision on who got each position was made by Vanderflught. They met with these groups at the end of the year to discuss the vision for the positions moving forward.
He also asked the board whether they wanted to review the Good Conduct Policy. They board agreed to have Vanderflught suggest potential revisions to take a more straightforward approach and review potential changes at their next meeting in July.

Although the district is still looking for their next band director, and an elementary guidance counselor, they did hire several individuals Monday night.
The board approved hiring Tara Wurster as the Junior Raider Director and Librarian with a 188 day contract in the amount of $30,080; Robin Beckett as a half-time Title 1 teacher in the amount of $32,500; and Katie McGahuey as a science teacher with a .68 FTE contract in the amount of $36,822.
Dan Showalter was also hired as an assistant football coach with a contracted salary of $3,421, and Melissa Shields was hired as head girls cross-country coach at $3,620.
The board also approved a long list of volunteer football coaches including Brad Elliott, James Smith, Payton Weehler, Colt Thompson, Jim Murphy, and Isaac Vos. Rochelle Means was also approved as a volunteer volleyball coach.
Three resignations were also approved by the board. Victoria Victor is stepping down as a Success Associate, Isaac Vos is stepping down as a paid football coach, moving to volunteer status, and is taking the paid e-sports coaching position. Dan Showalter also stepped down as head girls cross country coach.

Other Regular business
During regular monthly business, the board approved:
• A power school agreement, in the amount of $9,411.46, based on the number of students enrolled.
• IASB Board Policy Updates;
• Revisions to the employee handbook;
• EL virtual supports and services with the Green Hills AEA;
• Miscellaneous fundraiser requests;
• A quote for a new digital sign in the amount of $39,370 ($37K for theTV part of the sign, $1,150 for the plastic cover, and $1,200 for new LED lights).
The school received $11,000 in insurance but hopes to get more as hail damage is reviewed against the cost of a new sign.
A second LED sign quote from another company came in at $63,698.
Shaffer anticipates utilizing SAVE dollars to pay for the new sign.
An MOU with Community Health Centers of Southern Iowa was tabled until the agreement is received.

Miscellaneous business
An emergency waiver for a new hot water heater and equipment insurance bids were added under miscellaneous business.
Two bids for equipment insurance were reviewed. Presently, the school contracts with Remi, and their bid going forward was $58,628. A second bid from Jester Insurance in the amount of $44,950 was also reviewed.
The board approved the low bid, which saves the district approximately $14,000.

Superintendent report
Superintendent Jason Shaffer reported that he and Adam Still mapped out and measured a spot for a new bus barn, west of the where the Suburbans are currently parked by the middle school lot.
A location a little further south from the Junior Raider practice field, is looking like the most attractive location.
“It doesn’t have as much dirt work,” said Shaffer, “We’ve got the electric and gas right there.”
The new 50 by 80 foot building would open to the north and be just like the other bus barn.
“It would be a twin of the other one,” said Shaffer.
They have it marked out, and it is roughly the same length as 80 parking stalls.
He also reported that roof replacement will begin soon, starting with the west side of elementary building, and continuing west to east.