Boone Mayor Eli Stines talks about the Boone City Council’s decision to not support an Urban Chicken Ordinance. He also talked about all the housing projects in the works, many seeking support in their applications to the Iowa Economic Development Authority. Stines also talked about moving ahead with the Story Street resurfacing project and the council directing staff to prepare a referendum for the Recreation Complex for the November election. Aired Tuesday, June 04, 2024.

Boone Mayor Eli Stines talks about the Boone City Council’s decision to not support an Urban Chicken Ordinance. He also talked about all the housing projects in the works, many seeking support in their applications to the Iowa Economic Development Authority. Stines also talked about moving ahead with the Story Street resurfacing project and the council directing staff to prepare a referendum for the Recreation Complex for the November election. Aired Tuesday, June 04, 2024. 1
Boone Mayor Eli Stines talks about the Boone City Council’s decision to not support an Urban Chicken Ordinance. He also talked about all the housing projects in the works, many seeking support in their applications to the Iowa Economic Development Authority. Stines also talked about moving ahead with the Story Street resurfacing project and the council directing staff to prepare a referendum for the Recreation Complex for the November election. Aired Tuesday, June 04, 2024. 2
