The Jones County Board of Supervisors held a special meeting at 3:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 23.
The one and only item on the agenda was to approve claim checks for the closing on the sale of property in the Anamosa Commercial Park.
The county purchased seven lots, at a total price of $360,000. The board approved the use of ARPA funds toward the purchase price.
Three of the lots, located south of Blu Track off Davidson Boulevard, will be used for the construction of the new Public Safety storage facility. Currently the board is seeking RFPs for the engineering of the facility, due on June 4.
The other four lots, located within the island near the AmericInn Hotel, will be used for the future law enforcement center.
While the county is working toward a new Public Safety facility, the county would have to bond for the law enforcement center. Such a bond issue would appear on the ballot at that point in time.
County Auditor Whitney Hein said one of the seven lots were owned by the City of Anamosa; the remaining six were owned by Anamosa Commercial Park LLC.