A Marathon resident will be among four young ladies who will compete in the Clay County Fair Queen contest on Sunday, April 28th at the Clay County Regional Events Center in Spencer.
One of the contestants is Linnea (Lih-NAY-uh) Bloom of Marathon, daughter of Stephen and Melanie Bloom. The other contestants are Aubrie Stell and Addison Wyman both of Spencer, and Hannah Tessum of Everly.
The candidates will participate in individual interviews, workshops, and the Queen Pageant. The pageant will start at 7pm Sunday. Doors open to the public at 6:30pm.
The Clay County Fair Queen will represent the Fair at area parades and selected celebrations during the summer, represent Clay County during the Iowa State Fair Queen Contest, and participate in the Clay County Fair in September.
Candidates will be judged on personality, attitude and awareness, leadership and citizenship, contribution to the community, overall appearance, charm, poise, and self-expression.