Temporary Stops Signs Approved for Eight Rural Intersections
Temporary Stops Signs Approved for Eight Rural Intersections 1
Jasper County

Temporary stop signs have been approved for 8 rural intersections between Reasnor and Monroe. County Engineer Mike Frietsch recommended the Board of Supervisors approve the stop signs, due to drivers being rerouted because of the Highway 14 resurfacing project.

The County Supervisors unanimously approved Friestch’s request. The stop signs will stay up until that southern portion of the Highway 14 resurfacing is finished. The 8 intersections identified by the County Engineer are:


Rosebud Avenue and South 112th Avenue West

West 24th Street South and South 104th Avenue West

West 16th Street South and South 104th Avenue West

West 16th Street South and South 96th Avenue West


West 8th Street South and Rodeo Avenue West

West 8th Street South and 112th Avenue West

West 8th Street South and South 104th Avenue West

South 104th Avenue West and Rifle Street