All public school students and teachers in Iowa would be required to stand at attention and sing the National Anthem daily under a bill in the Iowa House. As written….teachers and students who object to singing the National Anthem would be required to stay silent and stand while the song is sung. The bill says students in every grade should be taught the words and history of the song and how to love, honor, and respect the anthem. It also specifies at least one of the 4 verses be sung every school day, with the entire song sung on patriotic occasions. Marshalltown Democrat Sue Cahill is one of the Iowa House members assigned to review the bill and she asked everyone present to join her in singing the National Anthem.
Dave Daughton is a lobbyist for the School Administrators of Iowa and Rural School Advocates of Iowa.
Damian Thompson of Iowa Safe Schools doesn’t like people kneeling or sitting during the National Anthem, but also says it’s their right.
Private schools would be exempt from this requirement….if it does get legislative approval.