Perry Community School District Superintendent Clark Wicks issued a YouTube video Wednesday afternoon in which he briefly explained the “enhanced” measures taken to ensure safety and security for returning students and staff.
In the 2.5-minutes video, Wicks said the district has formulated its return plan with input from the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation, Dallas County Emergency Management Agency, Perry Police Department, Iowa Department of Education and U.S. Department of Education.
Wicks said the district has also received recommendations from other U.S. cities that have experienced school shootings, including Sandy Hook, Connecticut, where 26 people were shot to death in 2012.
An increased visibility and presence of armed law enforcement officers and adults, including administrators, is one of the enhancements that returning students will see, Wicks said. The other is the “streamlining” of when students are allowed on campus.
The PCSD website provides a detailed description of the reopening plans. Highlights of reopening include:
Perry Elementary School, Preschool and PACES
Thursday, Jan. 25: Preschool restarts with morning preschool is from 8:10-10:40 a.m. and afternoon preschool is from 11:15 a.m. to 1:45 p.m. Transportation will run as usual, and parents will need to drop off and pick up at the main doors of the Perry Elementary School on the west side by the flagpole.
Thursday, Jan. 25 and Friday, Jan. 26: Regular school days with early dismissal. Mental health support for students and staff will be available onsite as well as other support.
Perry Middle School and Success Center
Wednesday, Jan. 24: An open house for parents and students will take place from 4-6 p.m. Counseling services will be available onsite.
Thursday, Jan. 25: Middle school students will return to the classroom with an early dismissal at 1:45 p.m. that day, and early dismissal will continue until further notice.
Friday, Jan. 26: Regular school day with early dismissal. Mental health support for students and staff will be available onsite as well as other support.
Perry High School
Tuesday, Jan. 30: An open house for parents and students will take place from 4-6 p.m. Counseling services will be available onsite.
Wednesday, Jan. 31: High school students will return to the classroom with an early dismissal at 1:45 p.m. that day, and early dismissal will continue until further notice. Mental health support for students and staff will be available onsite as well as other support.
Thursday, Feb. 1 and Friday, Feb. 2: Regular school days with early dismissal. Mental health support for students and staff will be available onsite as well as other support.
According to the district’s plans, more uniformed law enforcement officers will be visibly present in each school building as well as more adults, including the temporary administrators hired by the school board. All visitors will be required to use the electronic Raptor system for checking in the buildings.
According to the district plan, Perry Elementary School students will not enter their school before 7:45 a.m. unless under the direct supervision of a coach, teacher, activity sponsor or school district employee. Students should not be dropped off before 7:45 a.m. All students and visitors to the elementary school will enter through the west flagpole door.
Similarly, Perry Middle School students will not enter their school before 7:30 a.m. unless under the direct supervision of a coach, teacher, activity sponsor or school district employee. Students should not be dropped off before 7:30 a.m. All middle school students will enter the middle school through the circle drive as usual, and bus students will enter through the Performing Arts Center.
These will be the only two entry points for the middle school building.
Parents or guardians who are also dropping off students at the Perry High School will need to drop off high school students separately at the high school main doors off 18th Street. At the end of the school day, all students must exit the building within 15 minutes after the last bell unless supervised by a coach, sponsor, or school district employee. Parents should make arrangements to follow this dismissal/exit time.
Perry High School students will not enter the building prior to 7:30 a.m. unless supervised by a coach, teacher, activity sponsor or school district employee. Students should not be dropped off before 7:30 a.m. All high school students will enter through the high school’s main doors under the blue bricks on the west side of the building off 18th Street.
Parents or guardians who are also dropping off students at the Perry Middle School will need to drop off the middle school students separately at the middle school circle drive entrance.
At the end of the school day, all students must exit the building within 15 minutes after the last bell unless supervised by a coach, teacher, activity sponsor or school district employee. Students will not be able to wait in the school for evening activities to begin. Parents should make arrangements to follow this dismissal/exit time.
All PACES students and visitors will enter through the main office.
According to the school board policy, “the district’s emergency planning documents are not public records under Iowa law. This is because we do not want the security measures and plans necessary to protect the safety of our school community to fall into the wrong hands. We appreciate your understanding as we are doing our best to share the information we can while protecting the information we can’t.”